Below are listings for groups in Rye Harbour and the surrounding area ...
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Rye 2 miles from Rye Harbour
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We are a team of volunteers that are trained to respond to emergency calls in our localities through the 999 system in conjunction with the Ambulance Service. Rother Responders as a Community First Responder Scheme was established in November 2012. The majority of our members are covering Rye and the surrounding communities in Rother, East … more
Rye 1.5 miles from Rye Harbour
Rye Freecycle(R) UK is open to all who want to “recycle” that special something rather than throw it away. Whether it’s a chair, a fax machine, piano or an old door, feel free to post it. Or maybe you’re looking to acquire something yourself! Non-profits are also welcome to participate. Join in and have fun … more
Rye 1.5 miles from Rye Harbour
01797 280 282
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REG campaigns for the protection and enhancement of the environment in Rother and the wider area.
Rye 1.5 miles from Rye Harbour
01797 223 000
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E-Mail for Rapid Delivery of Information Following the success of a new e-mail scheme in many local villages, I am inviting you, if you have e-mail, to participate in a scheme for Rye which will use the internet as a rapid means of communication both out to you and, where you can help or wish … more
Appledore 6.6 miles from Rye Harbour
01233 758 122
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Meeting Point is a group running every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 10am at Appledore Village Hall. The group is open to all members of the community, so pop in for a chat, cuppa and to make new friends and get some support.
We are based in Rye Harbour opposite the Lifeboat station, and next to Rye Harbour nature reserve. Take a bicycle … more
Listed in: Cycling
to Sun, 2nd Mar
, 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, Rye Harbour
Hello I want to contact the event Rye Harbour 18th Aug as I should like to have a table there. … more
Hi, I am going to Rye next week. Does anyone know where and what time is best to watch seals? … more