Below are listings for seafood restaurants in Rye Harbour and the surrounding area ...
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Rye 1.5 miles from Rye Harbour
01797 222 226
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Welcome to Webbe’s in Rye. A vibrant lively restaurant atmosphere with open plan kitchen area where you can view your meal in its creation, for serious diners and families alike. This upbeat eatery will meet your every need when you visit Rye for the day, or for a relaxing enjoyable weekend. Open 7 Days a … more
Rye 1.3 miles from Rye Harbour
01797 222 900
The Fishmarket is open to the trade and public from 8am – 5pm Tuesday to Saturday and 10-4pm Sunday. You will always find a large selection of fish and seafood, along with a ready to eat deli counter. A large proportion of the fish is from our small fleet of local day boats. The harbour … more
We are based in Rye Harbour opposite the Lifeboat station, and next to Rye Harbour nature reserve. Take a bicycle … more
Listed in: Cycling
to Sun, 2nd Mar
, 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, Rye Harbour
Hello I want to contact the event Rye Harbour 18th Aug as I should like to have a table there. … more
Hi, I am going to Rye next week. Does anyone know where and what time is best to watch seals? … more